Saturday, April 22, 2006 -- my brain's dumping ground

Originally, I said I had a lot of interests other than running, but up until now I haven't talked about anything else!

One of the things I like about a blog, or at least the idea of a blog, is that it gives me a place to get things off my mind. In the Getting Things Done view, it gives me a next action for an idea -- blog idea X.

One problem is that sometimes (OK, most times), I only have the fragment of an idea. The idea isn't really well-formed enough to write an "article" on it. For a little while, I tried saving draft articles, but found it became too disheartening to see the pile of unfinished stuff before me. I love wiki, so I decided wiki must be the answer and I set up

When I think of something I'd like to learn about or have an idea, I'll put it there. If it grows to be article-worthy, I'll point it out here.

The first project idea I had was to replace the Suunto Training Manager (STraM). There are many things to dislike about it. First, it is windows-only and effectively moved me off linux after having used it as my desktop for 11 years. It is also just terrible in many ways. For one thing, all these graphs I post are screenshots because there's no way to save a graph. My graphs also have odd scales, because as far as I can tell, there's no way to change the scale min and max. Anyway, there's now a page.

Part of the point of this project is to use python to do math and visualize data which I find fun (yes, my wife thinks I'm nuts, too.) As a start, I need to pick which python packages I'll use. In the plotting area, the two contenders right now are matplotlib and chaco. I *believe* the former makes prettier plots and support a wider variety of plots while the latter might have more built-in interactivity (let the user select data, etc.). One thing they both share is spotty documentation. Anyway, I'll be checking out those packages.

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