Saturday, February 18, 2006

Neighborhood route, Suunto recalibration -- Recovery 4 miles

4 miles, high school and back, 39:38 (9:54 min/mi), avg 147

I ran the 1.25 miles to the high school, 5 laps around the track, ran back and tacked on a little extra per my newly calibrated footpod to make it 4 miles. Not really positive of the the total distance. Because of the calibration this ended up being 3 separate logs, but I just used start and stop clock times to the get total. I then subtracted the 1:40 I waited at a stop light. Heart rate is a weighted average (by time) of the three logs.

Today seemed harded than it should I think. My heart rate is also high for my pace. Jet lag is evil I think. The 15 mph wind I was running into on the way out and half the time around the track probably didn't help either.

The calibration on the foot pod has been off giving me too much credit, which I knew. The 1200 meters around the track was reported as 1229 (a 2.4% error). The new calibration factor is 1.053. The 3 laps took 6:57.4 which is a 9:19 min/mi pace and my average heart rate was 151 bpm. This is actually a decent heart rate for the pace, so I might be worried about nothing.

I investigated my "3 mile" neighborhood route a little further. calls it about 2.97. I thought it might be a hair longer since the web site doesn't include elevation and it's pretty hilly (although hills add less than you might think though). Anyway, I downloaded google earth which includes elevation in its calculation. It said 2.93 miles. A pretty significant difference from 3 miles (2.4%). Update: I re-checked with and got 2.94 miles.

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