Thursday, June 19, 2008

OK, next week I start piling up the miles

I was sick the last couple of days, and my good start to the week (9.3 on Monday) was followed by zeros on Tu and We. The worst part is I missed some great running weather. I did get out there tonight for a quick 5 miles and it was quite nice. 72 degrees and 57 deg dew point. I thought it would be a dreadful run, but it wasn't that bad. 9:24 pace and 136 bpm avg hr.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to "park n run." I've found a park and ride lot that's ~10k from work. My plan is to drive there and walk the first and last 10 minutes, leaving about a 5-mile run each way. I'm not sure it's worth the hassle, but we'll see. If I don't save time, at least I'll save some gas.

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