Mo - Rest
Tu - 5.40 on sidewalks 47:43 @ 8:50; threw some strides in
We - 9.39 on sidewalks 1:30:06 @ 9:36
Th AM 8.02 on sidewalks 1:17:23 @ 9:39
Th PM 2.11 on treadmill, 21:01 @ 9:58 -- 6' barefoot (socks)
Fr AM 8.02 on sidewalks 1:25:15 @ 10:38 -- ran in about 1'' of fresh snow. great run
Fr PM 2.25 on treadmill 22:00 @ 9:47 -- 10' barefoot
Sa AM 7.50 on sidewalks, trail, and bikepath 1:15:58 @ 10:08 -- still about 1'' of snow
Sa PM 2.06 on treadmill 20:00 @ 9:43 -- all barefoot
Su AM 9.07 on trail 1:22:54 @ 9:09 -- good bit of snow and snow-covered iced
Su PM 2.08 on treadmill 20:00 @ 9:37 -- barefoot
10 runs, 55.89 miles 9:02:20 @ 9:42
56' barefoot
Runs in 2010: 14 (in 10 days -- puttin' a hurtin' on the 365 goal)
Did the barefoot expirment. It went very well. I felt much more confident in my knee barefoot that with shoes (especially on the treadmill). No pain at all (very unusual for a run) Th and Fr. I had one twinge on each of the Sa and Su runs. It seemed to happen when I started to drift on the belt and recentered myself.
Felt really good this week. It seems as if I've adjusted after 3 weeks of 50+. I'm still not better, but am headed that way.