Sunday, November 12, 2023

weeks of 30 Oct and 6 Nov


Ran every day but Mon after race.

Week of 30 Oct 

39.2 miles.  10:16@135 bpm.  4739 calories.

Did 8.25 6x800 EIM on wed after race and otherwise easy that week.

Tried speed 3's on that tuesday.  5.5@10:36/129 first time and then 5.5@10:01/132!!!!  Holy cow.  29 secs/mile faster and 1 bpm lower than my reliable 5.5@10:30/133bpm.  47.60 effective vo2max per runalyze compared to usual 44.4.

Week of 6 Nov

50.0 miles@10:48/133.  Started off with decent 5.5@10:15/133 in speeds 3s.  Tues was terrible. Heart rate high and ended up walking most of way home thinking I was off.  Felt off most of week.  5.5@10:40/135 friday.  Took allegra (I think it's the leaf mold) and then felt myself on saturday and sunday.

Ran a new Saturday run I've been thinking of.  Do 4x up the steep incline from spillway to top of trailhead (with a flattish part in middle).  Want to build strength.  Ran  with speed 3's because it was wet and kinvaras have no grip.

Sunday did 9.4 (augmented old gc 8) and happened to give me 50.0 for the week.  Run was old reliable 10:30/133 bpm in the kinvaras.  In away better than the usual 5.5 because longer, but also has some more flat in it.  Legs were very tired and felt like I started 4 miles into my long run, which is kinda what I expected following the hill.  Also woke up hungry at 4am and didn't eat.  Wasn't intending it, but maybe glycogen depleted?

Wish I'd figured out the leaves in 2008

I've suspected I had some allergy because my running always fell off a cliff in November.  My PR marathon was Sat after thanksgiving and I remember lamenting how great my Oct workouts were and though maybe even 3:05, but instead workouts tanked in Nov and hung on to get the 3:15 BQ.

Of course maybe I'm wrong.  (Also some of the runs above are after taking Benadryl the night before.)

Think I'll keep on Allegra through November.

The Plan

I really like this Tue/Th 6x800 and am going to add the Sat 4x long steep hill.  Then maybe increase the Sunday long run (eventually) for the marathon.  Might start swapping in "speed" or parkruns on Saturday.  Just ride getting stronger until diminishing returns.

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