Thursday, November 23, 2023

Alexandria Turkey Trot 5M


Flat course and perfect weather except some wind.  This shows 16 mph pretty much along the long axis of the race. It didn't feel nearly that bad to me, but I think it had an effect.  Miles 2 and 5 had the tailwind and 5 was 7:37 compared to 7:41 despite feeling like I was fading at the end.

These splits are based on garmin which read long (5.04) and gave 7:37 pace vice overall 7:41, so subtract ~4 sec/mile.

Mile two was the fastest despite including a stop to tie my shoe :-)  Mile 1 had the usual zig-zagging through traffic but was OK about half a mile in.

Super happy.  Was planning to go out at 7:45 with the hope of maybe getting to 7:40 pace, which is equivalent to ~1:20 for 10 miles which is my goal for Cherry Blossom.  So basically got there (and definitely would have without the shoe stop!).

1:20 is because I ran just under 1:20 before running my first (sort of) sub 4 marathon.  (4:00:03 officially -- ouch -- but no chip time -- was 3:59:56 on my watch).

Weighed 181 this morning and used to race at under 165, so long way to go there and opportunity for improvement.

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