Monday, June 14, 2010

job, sugar, and blog-loafing

I'm horribly behind on this blog. My last post was 23 May, which not coincidentally, is the day before I started a new job. What's happened running-wise since then? Not as much as I'd like, but I've managed to lose some weight.

I watched Sugar: The bitter truth sometime in mid-April and I've gone from 164->157 after cutting out sugar. I wasn't drinking sodas or anything but what I've cut out seems to have made a huge difference. I've lost seven pounds despite reduced new-job running mileage.

On that, I'm having trouble keeping up here, but I just synced with my log at The weeks of 17 May, 24 May, 31 May, and 6 May totaled 51, 44, 59, and 62 miles. Way down from the mid- to upper-60s I was getting in March and April. The big difference is the lack or time for doubles. I was stealing 6-8 miles a week that way. If I can figure a way to get my mileage back up and keep my weight down, I should be flying.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Congrats! I really need to drop a couple pounds too. It isn't easy, so I tip my hat to you for dropping 7!