Sunday, June 04, 2023

goals for the old and starting over

I want to believe I carried over some residual fitness over the years of sloth, but probably not -- at least not much. So I think I'm basically where I was when I started 1 Jan 2005 -- except I'm older and a little heaver.

In mid-April of 2005 I ran 1:24:49 at around 185 lbs as I recall.  That's a 51.8% age performance which translates to a 1:36:28 for a 52 year old, which seems like a reasonable place to start with goals (although I'm targeting a Sept 10 miler that's hilly and likely to be hot).

A stretch goal would be to avoid a personal worst, which was 1:28 something.  I ran that at 190+ running less than 10 miles a week and I don't think I really raced it.  Just wanted to get my 10-th cherry blossom finish so I could avoid the lottery in the future.

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