Sunday, October 15, 2023

week of 9 Oct

 Plan was roughly to try and do 5.5 on MWF and the 6x800 EIM on Tu Th and then something totally around 20 between Sa and Sun and get to 50 this week.  Pretty much how it played out except I did only 2 on Wed because life.  I also decided to see if I could get away with 10x400 on Sat and then a longish run on Sunday. I did. I can't get over how easy it is (even at my advanced age) to recover from the easy intervals.

Put together a new functional trainer on Saturday so maybe some strength training in my future?

Mon.  recovery 5.5 @10:56/129

Tue. usual 8.25 EIM 6x800 with hills last 3.  8.2@10:23/128.

Wed.  recovery 2.1@11:17/125.

Thu.  same 8.25 EIM 6x800.  8.2@10:28/138.

Fr.   easy 5.5 @10:31/134.

Sat.  10x400 EIM.  7.4@10:19/142.  Last was weird as I hit a stop light and looped through a parking lot to get to 0.25  Some steep hills.  7:29, 7:26, 7:33, 7:30, 7:22, 7:33, 9:28 (GAP 7:37), 8:05 (GAP 7:40), 8:32 (GAP 7:52), 7:50 (couldn't quite squeeze in).  Might change to do this on the 8.25 or maybe on the track if it's back open.  Steep uphill was highest HR -- 160 AHR/174 max.

Sun.  13.3 long easy w 30' surges each mile 10:56/134.  2h25m.  felt the left knee the tiniest bit (not even a niggle) and stopped to stretch a couple of times in the last few miles.  Wondering whether this was worth it at this pace, but it was after a new session and didn't want to risk faster.  But I think this was right.  Duration definitely adds another stress.

Total:  50.3 - first week over 50 over 50 :-).  8h55m.  10:39/135 average.  6163 calories.

last 3 BP:  122/69/55.  Really poor sleep this week.

Weight. 182.6 (n=5).

Running a 10k in 2 weeks.

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