I've always said fear and shame are my greatest motivators.
We went to France recently for vacation and when in Paris, saw the Paris marathon. My wife, trying to entice me back for next year (or perhaps commenting on my weight), says "you should run it next year." (In 2007, she got me to go back to Disney for the millionth time by saying I could do the Goofy challenge.) I say "well, I'd rather run Berlin." So at dinner on the river cruise, she starts telling people I'm running Berlin next year. Uh.... I don't remember signing up for this.
Well from what I can tell, it's hard to get in Berlin. I've seen estimates of 12% up to 50% for lottery odds. Or I could just run a 2:55! (That's the standard for up to age 59.) So, think of doing Munich. It doesn't seem to fill up and has a half if decided to bail out (that might be a negative).
Anyway, I've cycled between 185 and 200 pounds since I stopped running so much mileage. 20 is a big week for the last almost 10 years. Don't really know b/c not really tracking things.
Currently at 200 lbs after down to 185 last Aug. Not coincidentally, average BPs by month
- Aug 2022. 116/68/61 (sys/dia/pulse)
- Sep. 118/71/58.
- Oct. 123/74/60.
- Nov. 123/77/63.
- Dec. No data. (Wasn't taking. Not sleeping, stress, ... No news is good news!)
- Jan. No data.
- Feb. 131/77/65.
- Mar. 127/77/63.
- Apr. 124/76/62 so far. Last 3 days are 121/75, 117/60, 115/72.
Why the BP drop in April when I'm still pushing 200? A couple of possible reasons. Been more regular with my tablespoon of flax seed, which I think is helping although there are conflicting studies and I haven't been systematic about measuring its effect on me. The other (and maybe more direct) is a slight uptick in the intensity of my running.
In addition to elevated-ish blood pressure, I've seeing a chiropractor once month for 15 months due to neck and shoulder issues. (Also spending an inordinate amount of time researching myself.) Got bad enough had numbness in fingers and spent years unable to turn my neck left. Would turn my whole body to look left to cross the street. Made a great deal of progess, but can't seem to figure out that last bit.
Not sure how to approach training as an old (over 50) dude. Not really finding good resources for focusing somewhere in between just running and just strength.. Starting for now with Pete Magill's Building Your Running Body book, but it's not really targeted at old dudes (although he's record holder for 50+ and 55+ for 5k). I've always done mostly long slow distance, but think I should mix it up. Also need to do some core and resistance work. Feels weird to worry about anything other than my weight at this point, but he suggests just run first and diet later. I like the excuse.
IF (and I really doubt this will be the case), I get back into running as much as I was, I was wondering what the age-graded equivalence times would be. My best times were a 1:05:55 for 10 miles and I did a 39:35 10k, but on a point-to-point course with a tail wind (ran 40:03 the year before). So 1:05:55 and 40:00 age grade to about 68%. 68% for a 52-year-old gives
Distance | Time |
5 kilometres | 21:50 |
10 kilometres | 44:26 |
10 miles | 1:13:29 |
half marathon | 1:37:20 |
marathon | 3:24:04 |
Those are very close to what I'd have guessed for 5k and 10M. Surprised the marathon is that fast though. 3:25 is the BQ for 50-54 now, which I find insane.
OK, so week 1. Pete starts with 4 days per week. Two workout-ish days (5k intervals, hills, slow/fast tempo, ...) plus a distance run. His distance is faster than the easy run.
- Mon - off
- Tue. 3.25M with 6x 1' @5k effort w/ 3' rest (no clue if I hit this pace). Did my 1' on 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30'.
- Wed. Off.
- Thu. 2.1M + beginner resistance training. I'm in pitiful shape especially with Russian oblique twist.
- Fri. Off.
- Sat. 3.25 easy.
- Sun. Distance 4.5. One burke lake lap. 47:55. This is 10:42 pace. Pete says a distance run is "faster than a distance run but still conversational." That's what I shot for. I was surprised I ran this "fast." Digging in my logs, my last burke lake lap was Dec 2016 and took 48:05. I'm consistent :-)
I was thinking a fall 10 miler in under 100 minutes was a reasonable starting goal, but I kinda maybe think I could maybe do that now? Really unsure of what my current fitness is. 10:42 distance pace is in line with his 25:00 5k pace but not sure I could do 8:00 pace for 5k, but who knows. I once ran 1:22 at cherry blossom 10M on less than 10 miles per week and 30 lbs overweight, toeing the line wondering if 9:00 pace was too optimistic.
All right. That's enough. I at least have the running bug for on spring Sunday afternoon.